After a semester and a half of renovation the Food Pantry downtown is in it's permanent home, and is looking great! The facility is expanded, with more space to move about, a room set aside for diapers and menstrual products, and a new entryway. It is all just nice, and bright.
What do you need to know?
Student's who intend to utilize the Pantry are to enter from the hallway on the south side of the Student Resource Center, and are not to enter through SRC.
The hours of operation have remained the same (Closed Monday. Open 10am-6pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Open Friday by appointment)
The new director of the Food Pantry, Nadia Ramirez, has prioritized the availability of healthy snacks for students on campus downtown
The new room number is S223
Friend of the FAST Fund John is working in the Pantry now, and is a goof